What’s It Like To Be a Student?
A typical day in Space School begins with an 7:45 check-in. Students are expected to come to school ready to work. The first lecture of the day might be one outlining the affects of zero gravity on the human body. Another expert will speak on propulsion systems or space law. Students will then break into one of 4 teams that they are assigned to on the first day based on interests and abilities. The four teams are Getting There, Working There, Living There, and Logistics. Students will wear team shirts accordingly. The regular class day ends at 5:00 pm.
Some school days are split between the classroom and field trips. USS students will have the opportunity to travel to Space Center Houston, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Brazos Bend State Park and Observatory. Students also get the chance to run a Challenger Mission.
The final team presentations that are given prior to graduation must exemplify the whole group effort. To that end, each member of the team is given a specific task to be accomplished. Teams must integrate their ideas with those of the other teams in order to reach the ultimate objective which is a Mission to Mars.
Currently we work with 25 countries around the world to fill 46-48 slots. For the remaining positions that are not filled, we will accept At Large applications. The USS2020 application deadline is February 1st, 2020.
Individuals wishing to apply as an At Large student for the USS2020 session should e-mail admissions@unitedspaceschool.org.
Students are expected to be representatives of their nation, and maintain high levels of professional attitudes. In addition, after selection for the United Space School program, you will be responsible for completing the assignments. We expect you to be able to manage your time with your current academic activities.
Upon graduation, you will be joining a global network of over 500 students spanning nearly twenty years of activity. There is an active Alumni association where you can share contact information and get assistance throughout your academic and professional life. All past participants of either an International Space School or United Space School session is automatically enrolled in the Alumini Association.